Eat corn for a week

Buckwheat diet is known for its simplicity and effectiveness. In addition, it can be significantly diversified without compromising performance. Today we will talk in detail about how to apply a weekly buckwheat diet, menu and features, pros and cons.

How the buckwheat diet works

For a week, "sitting on the buckwheat grass", you will not completely deprive the body of everything. This diet, even in the strictest version, does not express a constant feeling of hunger, as many ways to lose weight.

The effectiveness of this diet is ensured by the unique composition of buckwheat. Its various vitamins and minerals support vital processes in the body. Carbohydrates give a feeling of satiety. Too much protein requires a significant amount of calories to process. Fiber actively cleanses the body, helps to eliminate accumulated toxins and normalize the intestines.

However, such a diet can not be considered complete, so it is recommended only for a short time. Buckwheat diet is calculated for a week, it is possible to lose up to 10 kg in 7 days (depending on the initial weight and individual characteristics of the body). With proper application of the diet, it is possible to get out of it skillfully, and after the result obtained, a reasonable diet is maintained for a long time.

Diet for a week on the buckwheat menu

There are several options for the buckwheat diet - serious, softer and very gentle, which gives a gradual result for rapid weight loss. Depending on the method chosen, the duration of the diet and the diet will vary.

Strict diet of buckwheat for 3 days

This is the most difficult, but also the easiest option. For 3 days you will have only buckwheat porridge on your menu with no additives. All oils, sauces, salt, sugar, spices are excluded.

In the evening, pour or prepare 2 cups of boiling water on 1 cup of kernels. Wrap the container warmly with cereal and leave to infuse.

Eat porridge prepared in this way in the morning and during the day. What will be the portions - it does not matter, you can eat until full. However, according to those who have been sitting on corn for 3 days, it is very difficult to eat in this form.

Relax yourself with an acceptable amount of fluid (1, 5-2 liters per day). It can be pure drinking water, still natural mineral water, green tea, herbal infusions. If you can't imagine your life without coffee or black tea, you can allow 1-2 cups a day, but under no circumstances add sugar or milk to them.

The last meal is recommended 4 hours before bedtime.

Such a diet provides rapid weight loss, which allows you to tidy up your figure on the eve of special events or beach holidays. But remember that you need to gradually and carefully (at least a week) return to your normal diet. To maintain the result obtained, it is necessary to constantly limit fatty, smoked, flour and sweets.

Be sure to consult your doctor before spending 3 days on buckwheat. Such a strict diet is strictly contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and blood pressure.

It is possible to repeat the three-day buckwheat diet for no more than a month.

lose weight on a buckwheat diet

Diet for 7 days in buckwheat and kefir

In fact, this is a slightly lighter three-day buckwheat diet, complete with kefir in the recipe. This increases the time needed to lose extra weight.

Thus, the kefir-buckwheat diet takes the same portion of steamed buckwheat in the same way. 1% kefir is added 1% fat per day. Kefir can be added to porridge or washed down with food. All other recommendations remain the same as in the corn diet for 3 days.

buckwheat and kefir to lose weight

Light corn diet

You can supplement the basis of your diet with the following products for a week by taking lean and unsalted buckwheat porridge:

  • honey (1 teaspoon), dried fruits (plums, prunes) - 2-3 pieces each for eating or as a snack in between;
  • fruits (apples, pears, citrus fruits), vegetables (fresh or steamed), 20-30 grams of low-fat cheese, fresh herbs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (125 g per meal), low-calorie yogurt without fruit additives;
  • unsalted boiled veal (not more than 100 g), 1 chicken egg.

You can make a salad from vegetables (cabbage is considered the most useful), seasoned with soy sauce, lemon juice, yogurt or a symbolic amount of vegetable oil.

Portions should be small, 4-5 meals a day. The last meal is recommended 4 hours before bedtime.

As with the corn diet, you need to consume plenty of fluids.

This option is not suitable for instant effect seekers. However, it is very easy to maintain such a buckwheat diet for a week. If you want, it can be extended for 2 weeks without harming your health and suffering. With such a diet it is easier to prevent failures and achieve a stable result. Protect yourself from overeating after finishing a light diet. These factors are key to the successful fight against obesity.

corn porridge and vegetables for weight loss

Advantages and disadvantages of buckwheat diet

  • Not everyone is able to eat buckwheat porridge for 7 days from morning to evening. It is especially difficult for those who are not accustomed to the "croup queen" from childhood. To make the weight loss process more comfortable physically and psychologically, experts recommend using long-term light options, rather than stressful strict mono-diets.
  • Endocrine diseases and gastrointestinal diseases are contraindicated for the use of a strict buckwheat diet for 3 days. In a gentle version, it is used not only to balance weight, but also as a therapeutic tool.
  • It is not recommended to use any version of the corn diet during pregnancy and lactation.
  • A weekly buckwheat diet allows you to lose 5-10 extra pounds. At the same time, weight loss occurs not only due to the burning of accumulated fats, but also due to the body's cleansing of toxins accumulated in the intestines.
  • Lack of salt and sugar in the diet can lead to blood pressure disorders and brain damage. You can relieve these symptoms by adding a teaspoon of honey to the diet (you can dilute it in a glass of water and drink it during the day) and a small amount of soy sauce to the porridge.
  • Buckwheat diet, like other unsalted diets, is unacceptable for use in the heat. Therefore, this method of weight loss should not be used in the summer.
  • Buckwheat diet should include vitamin and mineral complex. This will help the body replenish essential trace elements and vitamin deficiencies.

Depending on the strength of your motivation and your overall health, you can easily choose which buckwheat diet is right for you - for a week, 3 days or longer (the mildest options). To test how the body reacts to such a diet, you can first try fasting on buckwheat.

Well, if you decide that this method of weight loss is right for you, do not delay the start for a long time, start now.

Recipes specially prepared by nutritionists will help to diversify the "tasteless" menu.